Saturday, August 28, 2010


It's the last weekend of summer - good bye patios, food fests, and water sports for yet another year. Prolong summer in your mind with this must read - Mediterranean Summer by chef David Shalleck. It's a yummy tale of a chef on a private yacht that used fresh, local ingredients from each port city that dotted the Cote d'Azur and Costa Bella.

Now it's no secret if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook that I'm a fashion foodie (a name given by The Star's Ecologic Erin). So it's no wonder that I selected this book whilst cruising the Mediterranean last year which inspired my first seasonal SS10 collection (color, colour, couleur!)

It may be time to pack up our summer wardrobe for the brisk breezes of fall and Aime Seasonless 10/11 will be available online to ease the transition - stay tuned!